Step 4: Verify the Rotary Table Calibration

To verify your rotary table calibration:

  1. Select the Operation | CNC Programming | Create CNC Measurement Routine menu option to export the calibration measurement routine.

  2. Open the NC Server application.

For information on the NC Server operation, please consult the NC Server PDF manual provided with your NC Server application. You can download NC Server from the Universal Updater application.

  1. Click Download Program, browse, and select the newly-created CNC measurement routine.

  2. Click Analyze, and execute the calibration measurement routine on the NC machine.

  3. Note the updated calibration information in the Rotary Table Setup dialog box in PC-DMIS after the calibration finishes. You may want to add dimensions for the calibration measurement routine to view the results of the calibration in a report.

  4. Check the Calibration - Create a sphere measurement routine with the rotary table enabled. In this measurement routine, the sphere is always at zero degrees in PC-DMIS, but the location of each measurement deviates by the error in calibration of the table.