
This registry entry sets the level of antialiasing which defines the number of multisamples made on each pixel your graphics card analyzes. If this registry entry is set to 2, antialiasing samples each pixel twice. If this registry entry is set to 4, antialiasing samples each pixel four times and so on. You can set the value for this registry entry up to the value that your graphics card supports.

When you enable this registry entry, your graphics card samples each pixel multiple times at slightly different locations within the pixel. The graphics card then computes an average color from these samples to determine the final pixel color. This effectively reduces the model's jagged edges in the Graphic Display window.

Higher antialiasing settings produce better visual results at the expense of slower system performance.

Entry Name: Antialiasing

Entry Type: Whole number that specifies the antialiasing multiplier value. The capabilities of your graphics accelerator determines the default antialiasing value for this registry entry.

If your graphics card does not support antialiasing, the default value is 1 (Off).

If your graphics card supports 2x antialiasing, the default value is 2.

If your graphics card supports 4x antialiasing or higher, the default value is 4.