
Measured circles are a 2D feature relative to the normal vector. This registry entry determines how PC-DMIS handles the normal vector for measured circles in DMIS files during a DMIS file import.

This registry entry corresponds to the Measured Circle Workplane Option in the Advanced tab of the DMIS Import Setup dialog box in PC-DMIS.

Entry Name: DMISMeasuredCircleWorkplane

Entry Type: Whole Number of -3, -2, or -1 that defines the how the normal vector is defined:

-3 = Feature
A plane feature defines the normal vector.

-2 = 3D
PC-DMIS uses the feature's nominal vector to define the normal vector. This is the traditional method to define the normal vector. This is the default value.

-1 = Workplane
PC-DMIS uses the current workplane as the normal vector.