
For the Pointcloud Export function, you can define one or more separator characters used for the XYZ export with this registry entry. For details on the Pointcloud Export operator, see "Pointcloud EXPORT" in the PC-DMIS Laser documentation.

The default value is a space character " ". You can also use a comma "," or a semi-colon character ";". For single-character separators, enter the separator character without the quotation marks.

For multiple-character separators, you must use a double-quotation character to designate the start of the separator characters, followed by the characters you want to use as a separator, and then end your definition with another double-quotation character.

For example, if you want to use a comma and a space as the separator characters, you must enter it as: ", "

If you define the separator improperly or with an invalid character, PC-DMIS uses the default value.

Entry Name: ExportXYZSeparator

Entry Type: The default value is a space character for the separator. You can also use a comma (","), semi-colon (";"), or multiple characters as described above for the separator. Anything else defaults back to the space character.