
In versions before PC-DMIS Planner 2010 MR2, Planner required that each cylinder used in a composite True Position had to have an identical diameter. For models derived from reverse engineering, however, this isn't always possible. This registry entry lets you specify a tolerance value for these cases. When using a composite True Position on multiple cylinders, PC-DMIS Planner uses this registry entry to see if subsequently selected cylinders fall within this tolerance value based off of the first selected cylinder. It determines how close to equal two features need to be in order for the software to consider them to be the "same" for purposes of GD&T dimensioning.

Entry Name: GtolEpsilon

Entry Type: Real number that specifies the tolerance value to use. The default value is 0.000001. This value is not tied to a particular unit of measurement. But is applied directly to whatever unit of measurement is used by the current inspection plan.