
This registry entry specifies the output option for files created for printed reports. The value is only used when the OptionPrintToFile value is set to 1.

Entry Name: OptionPrintToFileOp

Entry Type: Whole number that specifies the option value. The default value is 85.

Option Key


Output Option



Appending a File

PC-DMIS adds the current data from the Edit window to the selected file.


Overwriting a File

PC-DMIS overwrites the selected file with the current Edit window data.


Prompting for a Destination

PC-DMIS will display a Save As dialog box through which you can choose the destination file for the report.


Auto Option

PC-DMIS generates the report file name automatically using the number in the Index box. The name of the generated file name will have the same name as the measurement routine appended by the numerical index and extension. If a file exists with the same name as the generated file name, the Auto option will increment the Index until a unique file name is found.