
This registry entry enables you to define the default value for the Auto Move option that PC-DMIS uses when you create an Auto feature. You can insert Auto Move commands before, after, or both (before and after) for the created feature.

If you set this to 1, PC-DMIS performs both the Distance Before and Distance After moves:

If you set this to 2, PC-DMIS only performs the Distance Before move where the probe moves to a distance PTP_AutoMoveDistance above the centroid before it takes the first hit of the feature being created.

If you set this to 3, PC-DMIS only performs the Distance After move where the probe moves to the distance PTP_AutoMoveDistance2 after it takes the last hit of the feature being created.

You can find the Distance Before and Distance After options on the Contact Auto Move Properties tab of the Probe Toolbox:

You must verify any measurement routine that uses the Distance Before and Distance After settings for collision detection if you intend on running it on an earlier version of PC-DMIS that only supports the Distance Before option. PC-DMIS uses the smaller of the two values for versions that only support the Distance Before option, which may result in a hardware crash.

Entry Name: PTP_AutoMove

Entry Type: Whole number that specifies the Auto Move option. The default value is 0.

Value Key









