
This registry entry applies when calibrating an SP25 probe with an SM25-1 scanning module. It specifies whether PC-DMIS gets the parameter values from the OPTIONPROBE command in the measurement routine, or if it uses the values from these registry entries in PC-DMIS Settings Editor:

Before these registry entries were available in PC-DMIS Settings Editor, you had to include commands in your measurement routine to establish the desired parameter values. The registry entries were added to PC-DMIS Settings Editor for ease of use and independence from the measurement routine.

You should set the RenishawCalibration_SP25SM1_UseInputFromProgram entry so that PC-DMIS uses the values of the above registry entries in PC-DMIS Settings Editor. If necessary, you can set the entry to re-establish the original behavior of getting the values from the OPTIONPROBE command in the measurement routine.

Entry Name: RenishawCalibration_SP25SM1_UseInputFromProgram

Entry Type: Whole number that specifies whether PC-DMIS uses the values for the above registry entries in PC-DMIS Settings Editor (0) or gets them from the OPTIONPROBE command in the measurement routine (1).

For more information about the OPTIONPROBE command, refer to the "Parameter Settings: Probe Options tab" topic in the "Setting Your Preferences" chapter in the PC-DMIS Core documentation.