
This registry entry contains the section cut tessellation factor. For section cuts, PC-DMIS uses a constant and independent tessellation factor regardless of what the tessellation factor for visualization is. The default factor is 0.1. This default can cause the section cut operation to be quite slow on the first cut as it computes the finer tessellation for all the surfaces that intersect the plane. On subsequent cuts, this finer tessellation is cached, which results in quicker section cut operations for as long as the measurement routine remains open. Once the measurement routine is closed, however, the cached tessellation is lost and must be recomputed on the next section cut operation.

If the factor stored in this registry entry is the same as the tessellation factor used for visualization, then PC-DMIS won't need to compute another tessellation, and it simply uses the existing computed visualization tessellation.

Entry Name: SectionCutTessellationFactor

Entry Type: Real value. The default value is 0.1.