
This registry entry is not used.

This registry entry defines the minimum Y limit for the master side of the fixture volume. To determine this location, move the ram out to the center of the volume to the end of travel of the arm. Then retract the arm a few millimeters to protect against possible overtravel. The "Y" coordinate is the value you should use for the SlavePlateBoundsYMin registry entry setting.

If the registry entries that have a default of –999999.0 remain at that value, PC-DMIS will use the machine limits returned from the controller.

Entry Name: SlavePlateBoundsYMin

Entry Type: Real number that specifies the minimum Y location. The default value is -999999.

If you place a column too close to the edge of the plate, it may not be able to measure the column sphere during placement iterations because the probe's head will need to retract even further to measure the column.