
This registry entry is for cases where a level alignment exists without a successive rotation constraint. In this case, PC-DMIS needs to decide the rotation direction of the secondary axis about the primary axis (the level axis). It affects feature theoretical values following this type of alignment.

Entry Name: UseTheosForCADToPartLevelAlignment

Entry Type: Boolean TRUE/FALSE value. Beginning with PC-DMIS version 2014.1, the default value changed to TRUE. FALSE is the legacy value. Measurement routines prior to the creation of this registry entry behaved as if this setting were set to FALSE.

FALSE - The rotation about the primary axis is determined by the measured values of the input features. The change in rotation of the CAD to PART transform about the level axis is about the same as the change in MACHINE to PART.

TRUE - The rotation of the CAD to PART transform is not dependent on the measured values of its input features; instead, it is based on the current CAD to PART transform.