Using Blade Section Control Points

You can use the Advanced feature for the Blade Section command to specify control points. Control points define the point density in zones of CC or CV side of a blade section.

To use additional control points, from the Blade Section dialog box, click the Advanced button to display the Control Points area:

Blade Section dialog box with Control Points area

The Control Points area contains these items:

Control Points area

# column - This column displays the control point number. PC-DMIS defines the high density control points as HD1 and HD2, and additional control points as 1, 2, and so on.

Radius column - This column displays the radius of the control point circle.

Density column - This column displays the point density inside the control point circle.

Add button - This button adds new control points. For information on how to add control points, see "Adding a Blade Section Control Point".

Side column - This column defines the location on the blade where the point density is controlled.

Center column - This column displays the center of the control point circle.

Clear button - This button clears any selected control point in the Control Points area.

You cannot delete the HD1 and HD2 control points.

Clear All button - This button clears all control points that were added.