Chromatic White Light Sensor (CWS)

If the Chromatic White Light Sensor (CWS) is the active probe in the measurement routine, the Laser tab is visible.

When you use a CWS, it is important to be aware of the information that displays on the control box indicators.

The CWS control box typically has the following features:

Intensity Bar

The Intensity Bar displays the intensity of the measurement signal in a logarithmic scale. The intensity value is commonly shown in another display near the Intensity Bar. The display shows the relative units as a numeric value between 0 and 999. This is important information because if the distance to a poorly reflecting surface is being measured, the intensity of the reflected light can be low. In this case, the measurement rate must be decreased. Conversely, over-modulation of the sensor (intensity reading: 999, blinking) can cause measurement errors.

Distance Bar

The Distance Bar displays the current measurement value in a linear scale.

The measured distance appears in another display as a number in μm near the Distance Bar. This allows you to see where in the range the sensor is currently placed.

CWS Dark Reference Command

The "PassThru To Controller" command is designed to send commands to the NC controller.

You can use the prefix "CWS", which represents the Precitec controller (CWS), and the token "#" to send commands to the Precitec controller.

For example, to take a dark reference, in the Edit window, enter the command CWS#$DRK.

CWS# - Sends the command to the Precitec controller.

$DRK - Starts taking the dark reference.

All Precitec controller commands need to start with $.

If there is no prefix (CWS#), the PassThru command is sent to the NC controller.

The solution will work for:

It DOES NOT work with Embedded Controllers.


Supported Lasers on Vision Systems

Typical CWS System

CWS Parameters

Thickness Scan

Scan Measurement

Point Measurement

Defining a Surface Point by Clicking on a Pointcloud