PC-DMIS 2022.1 Object Library
PartProgram Object Members
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PCDLRN ActiveX DLL : PartProgram Object

Glossary Item Box

Public Methods

Public Method ActivateMakes measurement routine the active measurement routine
Public Method AsyncExecuteThis function starts execution of the measurement routine and then returns immediately, allowing for asynchronous execution.
Public Method AutoCreateGroupsForBMWMessProgramsConverts BMWMess programs into groups
Public Method CalcAdjustTransformCalculates part adjustment transformation in machine coordinates
Public Method ClearAllTADsClears the persistent User Assigned Properties data for all reports
Public Method ClearExecutionBlockThis clears the start and end commands set by the SetExecutionBlock method.
Public Method ClearExecutionMarkedSetClears the User Marked Set for execution set by SetExecutionMarkedSet
Public Method ClearTADsClears the persistent User Assigned Properties data for the current report
Public Method ClearVerifyFeaturesFlagClear the VerifyFeatures Flag
Public Method Close

This subroutine saves, closes, and deactivates the measurement routine.

Public Method CopyAutoFeatureInspectionPlannerSettingsIntoRegistryDefaultSettingsThis method accesses the .ipd file that is specified in the Parameters File settings entry under the Planner section of the PC-DMIS Settings Editor. It then copies any inspection planner settings for auto features contained in that file and sets the equivalent PC-DMIS default settings entries to those settings.
Public Method CreateGuessWithDimensionTries to guess what command was measured and applies the appropriate dimension to it
Public Method DmisOutThis function outputs DMIS results to a file.
Public Method DmisOut2Outputs DMIS results to a file; option for output last instance only
Public Method DoAutoInsertMovesThis method can take two parameters, a start command and an end command. These define a range of commands. The method then adds MOVE/POINT commands between each feature command within this range. If you don't specify a start or end command then the range includes all the features in the measurement routine.
Public Method DoCollisionDetectPathThis method can take two parameters, a start command and an end command. These define a range of commands. The method then performs a collision detection check for all features within this range. If you don't specify a start or end command then the range includes all the features in the measurement routine.
Public Method DoMappedImportImport And Mapping
Public Method DoStandardImportAndResetSensorMappingDo Standard Import and reset SensorMapping
Public Method EditReferredCommandsWarningMessageEdit Warning Message for Features To be Deleted
Public Method EditRulesFileEdits basic script rules file for default parameter managment (Inspection Planner)
Public Method EXECUTEThis function executes the measurement routine.
Public Method ExecuteMiniRoutineByNameThis method executes a mini routine based on the mini routine's name.
Public Method ExecuteMiniRoutineByNameArrayThis method executes multiple mini routines contained within an array of strings. Each item in the array is a mini routine name.
Public Method ExecuteMiniRoutineByUIDThis method executes a mini routine based on the mini routine's UID (unique ID).
Public Method ExecuteMiniRoutineByUIDArrayThis method executes multiple mini routines contained within an array of strings. Each item in the array is a UID (unique ID).
Public Method Export

This function exports CAD or part data from the measurement routine to the indicated file. The export format is determined by the file name extension of Name.

Public Method ExportDataToXMLExports complete data dictionary to an XML file
Public Method ExportStatsFileExport stats xml to specified file position
Public Method ExportToXML


This exports the measurement routine as an XML file.

Public Method ExternalCommandEventExternalCommandEvent
Public Method GetAvailableSchemasForSaveAs


This returns a list of either schema numbers or version names available to the SaveAs3 method.

Public Method GetExecutionMarkedSetIndexReturns the current User Marked Set Index for execution set by SetExecutionMarkedSet. -1 means No Marked Set
Public Method GetExecutionWindowReturns object pointer to the Execution Window for the specified arm if available
Public Method GetMarkedSetNameThis returns a True (-1) or False (0) to identify whether there's a defined marked set for the passed index value.
Public Method GetMarkedSetNumbersReturns the max munber of allowed marked set and the number of marked set currently defined
Public Method GetReadoutWindowReturns object pointer to Readout Window
Public Method GetStringArrayCreates an array of strings.
Public Method GetVariableValueThis method returns a variable object specified by the string in VarName.
Public Method GuessTries to guess what command has just been measured
Public Method IgnoreLearnModeHitsIgnoreLearnModeHits
Public Method Import

This function imports CAD or part data from the indicated file to the measurement routine. The file format is determined by the file name extension of Name.

Public Method Import2Imports from another format into the measurement routine. The parameter indicates if the input should be merged
Public Method ImportPlanxml

A .planxml file contains a measurement plan created from the Planner application. This is an xml file. You can import measurement plans into the measurement routine using this method.

Public Method ImportPlanxmlIntoExistingImport Planxml into existing command in Part Program
Public Method ImportQuickFeaturesDefaultsImport Quick Features Defaults From ConfigServer To PcDmis Registry
Public Method ImportUGDCIImportUGDCI
Public Method ImportUGDCI2ImportUGDCI2. The parameter indicates if the input should be merged
Public Method ImportXML


This imports a measurement routine in an XML format into the current measurement routine.

Public Method InjectRepositoryInfoInject Repository Info
Public Method IsProbeAnalog

Returns TRUE if the current loaded probe in a measurement routine is an analog probe; it returns FALSE otherwise. If you have multiple probe types defined for a measurement routine, the return value will depend, of course, on the location of the insertion point in the measurement routine.

Public Method LoadLayoutThe LoadLayout method loads a customized PC-DMIS user-interface layout as if it were selected from the Windows Layout toolbar inside PC-DMIS. Also, if a layout has been created and moved to a different directory, you can access it by specifying the absolute or relative file name. For information on using this toolbar, see the "Using Toolbars" section inside your PC-DMIS Help File.
Public Method MessageBox

This function uses the PC-DMIS message box function. It includes all functionality including cancelling of execution tied to the Cancel button.

Public Method OverrideExecuteSpeedOverrides the current execution speed
Public Method Quit

This subroutine closes and deactivates the measurement routine without saving.

Public Method ReadMSEXmlRead MSE Xml
Public Method RefreshPartRefreshes the display of the Part in the Edit window and in the CAD window.
Public Method RemoveLastLearnHitRemoves the last learn-mode hit
Public Method RunJournalFile

This executes the measurement routine using point data collected from a journal file.

Public Method Save

This subroutine saves the measurement routine. If the measurement routine has not been saved before, it opens a Save As Dialog box which requires that you name the file.

Public Method SaveAs


This lets you save the measurement routine with a new name or in a new file location.

Public Method SaveAs2


This method lets you save the measurement routine with a new name or in a new file location. It differs from the SaveAs method by letting you save the CAD file as a reference.

Public Method SaveAs3

This method lets you save the measurement routine with a new name or in a new file location. It differs from the SaveAs method by letting you specify the version name or schema number and by saving the CAD file as a reference.

Public Method SetCadEqualPartSet Cad equals Part
Public Method SetExecutionBlockThis method defines a block of commands to execute. Calls are made to the Execute or AsyncExecute functions until the execution block is cleared with the ClearExecutionBlock method.
Public Method SetExecutionMarkedSetSets the User Marked Set for execution, calls to Execute or AsyncExecute will used until cleared. Returns false if requested marked set does not exist
Public Method SetIPPlanVersionSet IP Plan Version
Public Method SetupFeatureBasedMeasurementThis method calls a text file as a string. The XML content in the text file defines the features or dimensions you want to use for feature based measurement. Based on the contents of the XML, PC-DMIS can marks those commands, and any dependent commands.
Public Method SetVariableValueThis method sets the value defined in Value for the variable specified by the string in VarName.
Public Method SetVerifyFeaturesFlagSet the VerifyFeatures Flag
Public Method StartMeshFromOptoCatStarts Mesh from OptoCat
Public Method StopMeshFromOptoCatStops Mesh from OptoCat
Public Method ToggleMasterSlaveModeEnters/Exits Master-Slave Mode
Public Method WaitUntilExecuted

This method waits until the specified Command object executes, or until Timeout seconds pass.

Public Properties

Public Property _Name 
Public Property ActiveMachineReturns the Machine object associated with this measurement routine.
Public Property ApplicationRepresents the read-only PC-DMIS application. The Application object includes properties and methods that return top-level objects. For example, the ActivePartProgram property returns a PartProgram object.
Public Property BundledStationsRead Only: Returns object pointer Bundled Station collection
Public Property CadModelRead Only: Returns Cad Model Object
Public Property CadWindowsReturns the CadWindows object associated with this measurement routine.
Public Property CommandsReturns the Commands collection object of this measurement routine.
Public Property ConnectedInDriveModeRead Only: Returns true when computer connected as driving computer
Public Property ConnectedInRelayModeRead Only: Returns true when computer connected as relay computer
Public Property ConnectedToMaster

Returns TRUE if the measurement routine is on the master computer but is running as the slave measurement routine. Returns FALSE otherwise.

Public Property ConnectedToSlaveReturns TRUE if the measurement routine is on the slave computer but is running as the master measurement routine. Returns FALSE otherwise.
Public Property CurrentArmThis read/write property returns or sets the active arm when using PC-DMIS in multiple arm mode.
Public Property CurrentProbeNameRead: Returns the Name of current probe file
Public Property EditWindowReturns the Editwindow object associated with this measurement routine.
Public Property EditWindowTextAll

Returns a single string containing all the text of the entire Edit window as seen in the Edit window's command mode. Read only.

Public Property ExcelFileIndexRead/Write: Get/Set the current excel output file index
Public Property ExcelFileMethodRead/Write: Get/Set the current excel output file method
Public Property ExcelFileNameRead/Write: Get/Set the current excel output file name
Public Property ExecOptContinueButtonVisibleRead/Write: Property indicating if Continue button is set visible on new Execution Options Dialogs
Public Property ExecOptJumpButtonVisibleRead/Write: Property indicating if Jump button is set visible on new Execution Options Dialogs
Public Property ExecOptSkipButtonVisibleRead/Write: Property indicating if Skip button is set visible on new Execution Options Dialogs
Public Property ExecOptStopButtonVisibleRead/Write: Property indicating if Stop button is set visible on new Execution Options Dialogs
Public Property ExecutedCommandsThe ExecutedCommands property returns the ExecutedCommands object. This object contains a collection class of those commands last executed for the current measurement routine.
Public Property ExecuteDialogVisibleRead/Write: Gives status / makes execute dialog visible or hidden
Public Property ExecutionWasCancelled

Returns TRUE if, during measurement routine execution, the execution is cancelled. Otherwise it returns FALSE. The default value is FALSE.

Public Property FullName

Returns the measurement routine’s full file path and name.

Public Property IsModifiedRead Only: Returns the information as the part program / measurement routine has been modified
Public Property LaserSequentialExecutionRead/Write: Returns/Sets laser only sequential part program execution mode
Public Property LIVWindowRead Only: Returns object pointer of type LIVWindow
Public Property MarkChildModeThis enables or disables the Child Mode for Edit window Markings. If enabled and something is marked, any children commands related to the parent command is also marked.
Public Property MarkNewAlignmentModeThis property enables or disables the New Alignment Mode menu option in PC-DMIS and by doing so it determines whether or not the alignment associated with marked feature or dimensions is also marked for execution.
Public Property MarkParentModeThis enables or disables the Parent Mode for Edit window Markings. If enabled and something is marked, any parent commands related to the child command is also marked.
Public Property MasterSlaveDlgThis returns a read-only pointer to the Multiple Arm Calibration dialog box, opening the dialog box if necessary.
Public Property MeshOptoCatHasStartedRead Only: Returns if Mesh from OptoCat has started
Public Property Name

Returns the measurement routine’s file name.

Public Property NoActiveProbesObjectRead: Property indicating no Probes object are instantiated
Public Property OldBasic

Returns this measurement routine’s OldBasic object. The OldBasic object contains all of the methods from the old basic command set used in previous versions of PC-DMIS.

Public Property OptimizePathOnce you have the pointer you can use properties and methods from that object to perform path optimizations.
Public Property OutputFileIndex

When you generate a saved output file using automatic indexing with the Edit window PRINT/AUTO command, PC-DMIS uses an index value as a base. It then it increments the index if there's a duplicate file name in the same directory so that you end up with a unique file name.

This property lets you get or set the index value stored in the part program.

Public Property OutputFileName

When you generate a saved output file with the Edit window PRINT Command, PC-DMIS stores that file in a directory of your choice.

This property returns a string of the file name used by the part program.

Public Property ParentReturns the PartPrograms collection object to which this measurement routine belongs.
Public Property PartGuidReturns a string with the part's GUID (Globally Unique Identifier).
Public Property PartNameRepresents the part name of the measurement routine.
Public Property PartProgramSettingsRead Only: Returns object pointer to PartProgramSettings Object
Public Property Path

Returns the measurement routine’s file path. 

Public Property ProbesThe Probes property returns this measurement routine’s Probes collection object.
Public Property ProbeToolBoxPagesRead Only: Returns the IProbeToolBoxPages Object
Public Property ProgramVersionNameRead Only: Property indicating the version name the measurement routine has been saved to
Public Property ProgramVersionSchemaRead Only: Property indicating the schema number the measurement routine has been saved to
Public Property QuickStartRead Only: Returns object pointer to QuickStart Object
Public Property ReadoutEnabledRead/Write: Property indicating whether to send or not readout events
Public Property ReportWindowRead Only: Returns object pointer of type ReportWindow
Public Property RevisionNumberRepresents the measurement routine’s revision number.
Public Property RoutineExecutionTimeManagerRead Only: Returns the RoutineExecutionTimeManager Object
Public Property SerialNumberRepresents the measurement routine’s serial number.
Public Property ShowAllIDsRead/Write: Property indicating whether to show all IDs in the CAD Window
Public Property SpeedRead Only: Returns Execution speed (0 if not executing)
Public Property StatsCountReturns or sets the stats count for the current measurement routine. Read/Write Long.
Public Property ToolsThe Tools property returns this measurement routine’s  Tools collection object.
Public Property UnitsReturns the measurement unit type used in the measurement routine. Either inches or millimeters.
Public Property Visible

Represents the measurement routine’s visibility status.


Public Event OnAddCollisionDetectedEvent fired when collision detected
Public Event OnAddObject

This event gets launched when the specified Command gets added to the measurement routine.

Public Event OnEndCollisionDetectEvent fired when collision detect ends
Public Event OnEndExecution

This event gets launched when PC-DMIS finishes executing the measurement routine. PC-DMIS determines it has finished execution based on the termination type.

Public Event OnExecuteDialogErrorMsg

This event gets launched when the Execution Mode Options dialog box displays ErrorMsg.

Public Event OnExecuteDialogStatusMsg

This event gets launched when the Execution Mode Options dialog box displays StatusMsg.

Public Event OnGuessEvent fired when PC-DMIS guesses the feature being measured
Public Event OnObjectAboutToExecute

This event gets launched immediately before the specified Command gets executed.

Public Event OnObjectAboutToExecute2

This event gets launched immediately before the specified Command gets executed on a specified Arm of a multiple arm system.

Public Event OnObjectExecuted

This event gets launched immediately after the specified Command gets executed.

Public Event OnObjectExecuted2

This event gets launched immediately after the specified Command gets executed on a specified Arm of a multiple arm system.

Public Event OnReportPrintEnd

For information, see the OnReportPrintStart event from the ApplicationObjectEvents object. It's the same.

This event is also provided here as a convenience.

Public Event OnReportPrintStart

For information, see the OnReportPrintStart event from the ApplicationObjectEvents object. It's the same.

This event is also provided here as a convenience.

Public Event OnStartCollisionDetectEvent fired when collision detect begins
Public Event OnStartExecutionEvent fired when measurement routine execution begins

See Also

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