PC-DMIS 2022.1 Object Library
FlipCROView Method
See Also  Example  Send Topic Feedback | See Object Hierarchy Chart

Long value of 0 or 1:

0 - flips the CRO horizontally

1 - flips the CRO vertically

PCDLRN ActiveX DLL > ReportControl Object : FlipCROView Method

Glossary Item Box


Flips the Cad Reporting Object either horizontally or vertically


Visual Basic
Public Function FlipCROView( _
   ByVal _isVertical As Long _
) As Long



Long value of 0 or 1:

0 - flips the CRO horizontally

1 - flips the CRO vertically

Return Type

Returns 1 if the flip succeeds and 0 otherwise.


Flips the CRO vertically or horizontally, based on user input.
Example (VBScript)Copy Code
Sub Main
  Dim App As Object
  Set App = CreateObject ("PCDLRN.Application")
  Dim Part As Object
  Set Part = App.ActivePartProgram
Dim RprtWindow As Object
Set RprtWindow = Part.ReportWindow
Dim Pages As Object
Set Pages = RprtWindow.Pages
Dim Page As Object
Set Page = Pages.Item(1)
Dim RptControls As Object
Set RptControls = Page.ReportControls
Dim Control As Object
Dim Cmd As Object
Dim Count As Integer
Count = RptControls.Count
Dim Index As Integer
Index = 1
While (index <=Count)
  Set Control = RptControls.itemControl (index) 
  If Control.Type = 26514 Then
   intFlip = InputBox ("CAD Report Object found with ID: " & Control.id & " Type 1 to flip it vertically. Type 0 to flip it horizontally.","Flip CRO")
   Control.FlipCROView intFlip
  End If
  index = index+1
End Sub

See Also

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