PC-DMIS 2022.1 Object Library
ReportData Object
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PCDLRN ActiveX DLL : ReportData Object

Glossary Item Box


The ReportData object lets you access data sent to reports during the EventReportData event.


This event can only be accessed inside the Properties dialog box inside the Label and Report Template Editors inside PC-DMIS versions 4.0 and higher.


Properties dialog box


Using this object in conjunction with the EventReportData event, you can access the desired information.


Suppose in PC-DMIS's Label Template Editor, you use a Border object to change its background color to match the current dimension out of tolerance color. You can do this using the ReportData object. The following code works inside of the PC-DMIS's label template editor in the EventReportData event of a Border object.

Dim Count As Integer

Dim i As Integer

Dim MaxIndex As Integer

Dim MaxDev As Double

Dim CurrentDev as Variant

Dim Dev as Variant

Dim PTol as Variant

Dim MTol as Variant

Dim DevColor as Long

' Initialize Max Deviation and Max Index

MaxDev = 0.0

MaxIndex = 1

'Get the number of axes for this dimension

Count = ReportData.GetCount(132)

'Adjust the bottom of the border to fit the number of axes

Border1.Bottom = 106+((Count-1)*25)

'Loop through to find the largest deviation

'When loop is complete, MaxIndex is the index to the

' largest deviation

For i=1 to Count

 CurrentDev = ABS(ReportData.GetValue(DIM_DEVIATION,i))

 If CurrentDev > MaxDev Then

   MaxDev = CurrentDev

   MaxIndex = i

 End If

Next i

' Using MaxIndex, acquire the axis's deviation +TOL and -TOL

Dev = ReportData.GetValue(340, MaxIndex)

PTol = ReportData.GetValue(167, MaxIndex)

MTol = ReportData.GetValue(168, MaxIndex)

' Use this information to adjust the background color of the border

DevColor = ReportData.GetTolColor(Dev,PTol,MTol)

Border1.BackColor = DevColor

Border1.ForeColor = DevColor

See Also

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