PC-DMIS 2022.2 Object Library
Sample Automation Script 4
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Sample Automation Script 4 - Passing Data into a  Script

This script shows how to pass a variable's ID into a script from a PC-DMIS measurement routine, how to locate the passed in ID in the script, and then how to modify the right side of the ASSIGN command associated with the ID.

Important: After you insert a PC-DMIS comment, to type additional PC-DMIS commands in Command Mode, you must first press Enter twice after the COMMENT command. This tells PC-DMIS that you no longer want to add text to the comment but are ready to add a new command.


Sample Measurement Routine Code


C1         =COMMENT/INPUT,NO,'Type a variable's id: V1, V2, V3, V4, or V5.'

            IF/C1.INPUT <> "V1" AND C1.INPUT <> "V2" AND C1.INPUT <> "V3" AND C1.INPUT

<> "V4" AND C1.INPUT <> "V5"

            COMMENT/OPER,NO,You did not enter a correct variable ID.








            ASSIGN/V1 = ""

            ASSIGN/V2 = ""

            ASSIGN/V3 = ""

            ASSIGN/V4 = ""

            ASSIGN/V5 = ""



Below is the code for SETASSIGNMENTVALUE.BAS. Once the script opens, it takes the passed in ID, cycles through all the commands, and when it finds the matching ID, it displays an input box asking you to specify a new value for the command:

SetAssignmentValue.Bas Copy Code
Sub Main (strID As String)
Dim App As Object
Set App = CreateObject ("PCDLRN.Application")
Dim Part As Object
Set Part = App.ActivePartProgram
Dim Cmds As Object
Set Cmds = Part.Commands
Dim Cmd As Object
Dim FCCmd As Object
Dim VarCommentValue As Variant
VarCommentValue = InputBox("Type a Value for " & strID & ". (Surround what you Type With quotation marks To make it a String.)","Set Assignment Value","""Type Something Here""")
For Each Cmd In Cmds
  If Cmd.TypeDescription = "Assignment" Then
    Set FCCmd = Cmd.FlowControlCommand
    If FCCmd.GetLeftSideOfExpression = strID Then
      FCCmd.SetRightSideOfAssignment VarCommentValue
    End If
  End If
Next Cmd
End Sub


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