Customizing User Interface Fonts

Change all the fonts dialog box

Font Setup dialog box

To modify font attributes, access the Font Setup dialog box by selecting the Edit | Preferences | Fonts menu option. Use this dialog box to change the font and its attributes (such as the font size and style) for these areas of the main PC-DMIS user interface:

To change the font:

  1. Click one of these buttons to open a standard Font dialog box:

  1. From the Font dialog box, use the lists and select your font changes.

  2. Click OK to close the Font dialog box.

  3. From the Font Setup dialog box, click OK to accept your change.

You can use any font available on your computer system; however, some fonts don't have a uniform spacing. This can make some components more difficult to read. For the Edit window text, we recommend that you use a monospace, fixed-width font, such as the Courier New font. Otherwise, characters, lines, and headings may not line up as expected.

CAD GD&T Font size

This slider scales the size of any GD&T CAD elements that appear in the Graphic Display window. Each increment above or below the midpoint increases or decreases the font by 10%. The font size changes dynamically as you adjust the slider. Click OK to keep the changed font size.