Working with Measurement Routine Archives

PC-DMIS provides some basic measurement routine archiving. This archiving replaces the automatic file save functionality that existed in some older versions of PC-DMIS.

Two copies of your measurement routine are automatically created in the background during these events:

The above PRG~ and PRG^ backup files have the hidden attribute set and won't be visible in Windows Explorer unless the "Show hidden files" option is set.

If you try and open a corrupted measurement routine, PC-DMIS asks if you want to open the copy made before the last save (<name>.prg~). If you choose Yes, PC-DMIS renames the corrupt measurement routine to <name>.prg.tmp (by default, these files have the hidden attribute set to be hidden and won't be visible in Windows Explorer unless the "Show hidden files" option is set correctly). It renames <name>.prg~ to the current measurement routine name. If that backup was also corrupted, PC-DMIS asks if you want to restore from the backup that was made just before you loaded the measurement routine during your last session (<name>.prg^). It then follows the same process of renaming and copying.

As with any backup/restore process, you may lose your latest changes when restoring.

You can disable or enable this functionality by using the DocumentRecovery entry in the PC-DMIS Settings Editor.

Related Topics:

Saving Measurement Routines