Auto Dimension Setup

The Auto Dimension Setup button from the Dimension tab of the Setup Options dialog box (Edit | Preferences | Setup) opens the Auto Dimensioning dialog box.

Auto Dimensioning dialog box

Auto Dimensioning dialog box

This dialog box provides you with several options that allow you to determine whether or not PC-DMIS automatically dimensions features immediately after creating them and how it should create those dimensions.

To enable or disable automatic dimension creation, clear or mark the following check boxes:

Auto Form Dimensions
This check box determines whether or not PC-DMIS automatically creates form dimensions for feature types that have a form dimension.

Feature Associated Form Dimension
Circle Roundness
Cylinder Roundness
Cone Roundness
Sphere Roundness
Plane Flatness
Line Straightness

Auto Location/Position Dimensions
This check box determines whether or not PC-DMIS automatically creates location or position dimensions for feature types that have a location or position dimension.

Create Location Dimensions
If you select Auto Location/Position dimensions, this option button tells PC-DMIS to create those dimensions as Location dimensions.

Create Position Dimensions
If you select Auto Location/Position dimensions, this option button tells PC-DMIS to create those dimensions as Position dimensions.

Auto Textual Analysis ON
This check box controls whether or not PC-DMIS automatically creates textual analysis of the dimension. It is considered ON if the box is marked. See "Analysis Settings" in the "Using Legacy Dimensions" chapter and "Analysis" in the "Inserting Report Commands" chapter.

Auto Graphical Analysis ON
This check box controls whether or not PC-DMIS automatically creates a graphical analysis of any dimension that is created with Auto Create Dimensions or Auto Roundness. See "Analysis Settings" in the "Using Legacy Dimensions" section and "Analysis" in the "Inserting Report Commands" chapter.

Auto Dimension Info
This check box controls whether or not PC-DMIS automatically creates a Dimension Information check box for any dimension created with the Auto Create Dimensions check box or the Auto Roundness check box. See "Inserting Dimension Info Boxes" in the "Inserting Report Commands" chapter for information on how to set the default formats for this Dimension Info boxes.

The Multiply value is a scaling factor that magnifies the arrow and tolerance zone for the graphical analysis mode. If a value of 2.0 is entered, PC-DMIS scales the arrow two times the graphical image.

The Multiply box is used for viewing purposes only, and is not reflected in the text printout.

PC-DMIS creates dimensions as either legacy dimensions or Geometric Tolerance dimensions. Mark or clear the Use Legacy Dimension check box from the Insert | Dimensions submenu to set the appropriate dimension type.