Default Tolerances

Default Tolerances area

The Default Tolerances area, enabled when you select the Decimal Places option from the Apply Defaults Based On area, lets you define the default tolerances PC-DMIS uses when you modify a dimension's nominal value in the Edit window. The default tolerance used is based on the number of decimal places in the nominal value.

For example, if you modify a nominal value to read 6.250, PC-DMIS sets the + and - tolerance to the 3 Places = default tolerance value, because three decimal places were used. If you instead entered 6.25, PC-DMIS would set the + and - tolerance to the 2 Places =  value, because two decimal places were used.

0-6 Places = boxes
These boxes allow you to set different default tolerances that PC-DMIS applies when you define a nominal value with 0 to 6 decimal places.