Description of Target for T Value

The T Value is always the magnitude (or length) of the vector from the probe tip to a target point. The target point is determined by the Centroid, Surface/Edge, or Vector option buttons located in the Target area of the Probe Readout Setup dialog box (Edit | Preferences | Probe Readout Setup).

During Execution with "Closest Feature" and "Centroid" Selected and Closest Distance to CAD Not Selected

The Centroid is the feature's center. While this makes more sense for some features than others, all features have a center. For the nine basic feature types, the center for each is defined below with illustrations where necessary.

During Execution with "Closest Feature" and "Surface/Edge" Selected and Closest Distance to CAD Not Selected

When locating the surface/edge, the target for the T value is the point on the feature that is closest to the probe. For 3D features, the closest point is on the surface of the feature; for 2D features, it is on the edge. For the nine basic feature types, the center for each is defined below with illustrations where necessary.

During Execution with "Closest Feature" and "Vector" Selected and Closest Distance to CAD Not Selected

When locating the vector, the target for the T value is the point on the feature vector closest to the probe. For the nine basic feature types, the center for each is defined below with illustrations where necessary.

No Execution or Execution with "Closest CAD" Selected and a CAD File Loaded

The T value appears as T (CAD) and refers to the closest point on the CAD. The DX, DY, and DZ are the vector components of the T (CAD) value. There must be surface CAD data, and you must set your view to Surface Mode for this to work. If no CAD is loaded, the T, DX, DY and DZ values refer to the Distance to Target setting, which is only active during execution.

During Execution with "Executing Feature" and "Surface/Edge" Selected

This mode is for backwards compatibility and is the original functionality. In this state, the target point is the distance to the next hit on the feature.

During Execution with "Executing Feature" and "Centroid" or "Vector" Selected

If you selected Centroid or Vector, these options behave as the "Closest Feature" examples above, but they show distances to the next executing feature.