Dimension Output Format

Dimension output format

The FORMAT/TEXT command controls the PC-DMIS dimension output format. To change the format, select the desired check boxes.

Available Formats



Displays the nominal values for all dimensions.


Displays the tolerance values for all dimensions.


Displays the measured values for all dimensions.


Displays the maximum and minimum deviation values from the points that make up Line Profile and Surface Profile dimensions.


Displays the deviation values for all dimensions.

Out of Tol

Displays the out of tolerance values for all dimensions.

Dev Angle

Displays the deviation angles on the Position dimensions.

When switching from box tolerancing to position (and back), it is important to check the format for correctness.

PC-DMIS offers the same print formats for box tolerancing and positioning tolerancing, although their columns look slightly different due to additional columns for position dimensions.

PC-DMIS displays a number to the left of the check box to indicate the order of the output selection. This enables you to alter the order of the format to meet your needs.

The Edit window command line for this option reads:


DIMENSION OUTPUT = The format of the output is based on the order of selection. The default output displays the entire selection, in the order indicated.