Parameter Settings: I/O Channels tab

Parameter Settings dialog box - I/O Channels tab

Currently, the options on the I/O Channels tab only function on DEA machines. Other machine types may be added in the future.

With the I/O Channels tab, you can select options related to the use of controller I/O channels and place an IOCHANNEL/ command into the Edit window that define the state of the controller.

Some machine controllers are equipped with I/O channels that can be SET to an ON state (a value of 1) or RESET to an OFF state (a value of 0). The IOCHANNEL/ command tells PC-DMIS to set the state as specified.

To edit information in the I/O Channels tab:

  1. Access the Parameter Settings dialog box (Edit | Preferences | Parameters).

  2. Click on the I/O Channels tab.

  3. Make any changes.

  4. Click Apply or OK.

Channel - Specifies the channel number that you will Set or Reset.

Set - Inserts an IOCHANNEL/SET command into the measurement routine. When PC-DMIS executes this command, the state of the specified channel number is set to 1.

Reset - This option inserts an IOCHANNEL/RESET command into the measurement routine. When PC-DMIS executes this command, the state of the specified channel number is set to 0.