Probe/Hit Area


Probe/Hit area

Probe Position check box
When you select the Probe Position check box, PC-DMIS displays the current position of the probe. The Probe Readouts window displays the probe's position in the active coordinate system.

Last Hit check box
When you select the Last Hit check box, PC-DMIS displays the location of the last hit taken with the probe. If this option is not selected, PC-DMIS displays the current position of the probe.

Display error of last measured feature check box
When you select the Display error of last measured feature check box, PC-DMIS displays any deviations along the XYZ coordinates (and D for circular features) for the last measured feature in the Probe Readouts window. Even if the deviation is 0 then only 0 is displayed.

Display form error of current feature check box
When you select the Display Form error of current feature check box, PC-DMIS displays the form error for the feature being learned or executed.

If the feature has a valid form dimension (circularity, straightness, flatness, or cylindricity), then PC-DMIS displays the appropriate GD&T symbol near the value. Otherwise, PC-DMIS displays the Greek letter Sigma indicating standard deviation.

If there are not enough hits to calculate a form value, PC-DMIS displays a line of dashes for the value until sufficient hits are processed.