Show tracker parameters in offline

(This item pertains to the check boxes on the General tab of the Setup Options dialog box. You can open it through the F5 key or through the Edit | Preferences | Setup menu option.)

If you use a portable Leica Tracker device in Online mode to generate feature commands, PC-DMIS automatically inserts the following information into the Edit window inside those feature commands:

In Offline mode, PC-DMIS behaves differently. These Leica Tracker items only appear after you select the Show tracker parameters in offline check box, and they only appear for new feature commands inserted into the measurement routine after you selected this option. Previously-measured features remain unaffected except for a permanent structure change that added an empty Tracker Parameter group into each feature command.

If you select this check box, PC-DMIS permanently changes your measurement-routine structure for inserted feature commands regardless of whether or not you later clear this check box. For example, if you clear this check box after you've already used it for some features, newly-inserted features still contain a Tracker Parameter group, although that group does not contain any group items.

For information on where and how these items appear in the feature commands, see the PC-DMIS Portable documentation.