To Manually Edit a Port's Data

  1. Select the appropriate port from the Active probe changer list on the Ports tab (Edit | Preferences | Probe Changer).

  2. Click the Edit Port Data button. The Probe Changer Port Data dialog box appears. For all probe changer types, the X, Y, and Z boxes should be available to edit. While you can use these boxes to manually enter a position if needed, these values are normally determined by measurements that result from running the calibration procedure for the probe changer. You can use this dialog box to change a port's type and XYZ location. For TESASTAR-R / HR-R and Autochange (ACR1) probe changers, you can also use it to edit an extension's XYZ location and edit the rotation angle of the bottom joint.

Probe Changer Port Data dialog box for an ACR1 Probe Changer

Some probe changer types support multiple possible configurations for each port. Some example probe changer types that allow this include the Autochange (ACR1) and TESASTAR-R / HR-R.

Some probe changer types have port types that let you use empty extensions that do not have actual probes attached. Some example probe changer types that allow this include the Autochange (ACR1) and the TESASTAR-R / HR-R.

  1. If desired, define separate Before drop-off and Before-pick up clearance distances in the Clearance distances area. For more information, see "About Port Clearance Distances".

  2. After you specify the desired values, click OK. PC-DMIS closes the dialog box and shows a summary of the specifications for that port in the Probe Changer dialog box. If you changed any values, it also indicates "changes pending" for the port.

  3. If you want to revert a port to its previous value, you can select that port and then click the Edit Port Data button. In the Probe Changer Port Data dialog box, click the Restore XYZ, Restore Type, or Restore Angle button as applicable. These buttons are only available if you made changes but have not yet clicked OK or Apply in the Probe Changer dialog box.

  4. If you are ready to accept your changes, click OK or Apply in the Probe Changer dialog box.