Use Scanning Strategies for QuickAlign

(This item pertains to the check boxes on the General tab of the Setup Options dialog box. You can open it through the F5 key or through the Edit | Preferences | Setup menu option.)

The Use Scanning Strategies for QuickAlign check box determines whether or not the DCC mode features during a QuickAlign operation are created using the scanning strategy that is defined in the .ipd (inspection plan defaults) file. However, if you modify that Auto feature type and choose a new strategy prior to generating the alignment, it remembers and uses the newer strategy and no longer uses the defaults in the .ipd file.

The scanning strategies are used for a QuickAlign operation, if the following conditions are true:

If this check box is unmarked, PC-DMIS uses the default touch trigger strategy.

For information on strategies, see "Working with Measurement Strategies" in the PC-DMIS CMM documentation.

For information on QuickAlign, see "About QuickAlign" in the "Creating and Using Alignments" chapter.