Using Breakpoints

Edit window with Breakpoint (red icon)

The Edit | Breakpoints menu option provides a useful debugging tool to create, test, and run a measurement routine. Generally, measurement routines are executed sequentially, line by line. By placing a breakpoint at a particular line in the measurement routine, the execution pauses when it reaches the breakpoint. If the measurement routine makes use of variable expressions and flow control, you can examine these variables to help ensure that the measurement routine functions as desired.

Once PC-DMIS pauses for the breakpoint, you can use the Step Next button on the Execution dialog box to continue the measurement process one step at a time. This pauses the CMM after executing each step of any command that tells the CMM to move. While in Step Mode, you can insert additional hits into features, or you can insert new features between existing features or commands. Step Mode can also be simulated offline.

When you are ready to continue with the measurement routine's execution, click Continue Continue on the Execution dialog box. You can use menu and keyboard commands to speed up the placement and removal of breakpoints. Breakpoints are saved with the measurement routine; they remain available the next time you open the measurement routine.

If your measurement routine uses breakpoints and the Edit window is in Command mode, PC-DMIS continues to display the Edit window during execution but highlights the current command to execute in red.



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Related Topics:

Executing Measurement Routines

Using the Execution Dialog Box