Edit Window Header and Footer Formatting Keywords

Following is a list of the available formatting keywords and their functions. You can insert these keywords into the .dat files to have them displayed in a header or footer in the Edit window.

The keywords are case sensitive.

Inserts the current date.

Inserts the current time.

Inserts the current page number. This is ideal for use in the HEADER.DAT file.

Inserts both the name and the value of tracefield n, where n is the tracefield number.

Inserts the measurement routine name.

Inserts the revision number.

Inserts the serial number.

Inserts the sequence number.

Inserts the scale factor.

Inserts the total number of dimensions.

Inserts the total number of dimensions that are out of tolerance.

Inserts the time elapsed between start and end of execution. This is ideal for use in the FOOTER.DAT file.

Inserts a bitmap where <path> represents the full path pointing to the bitmap file (for example, D:\Files\Bmp\Pcdhead.bmp).

For information on how to modify your report's headers or footers with .DAT files, see "Using .DAT Files in Generated Reports".

For information on how to use templates and rules to modify your report, see "Modifying the Report's Header".