Navigating the Edit Window

The Edit window houses all the commands that make up your measurement routine.

To change the display of the Edit window, you can switch between different modes. PC-DMIS enables the two most common modes by default. These are Command mode and Summary mode. You can enable a third mode, called DMIS mode, from the Setup Options dialog box (Edit | Preferences | Setup). To do this, select the Use DMIS button in Edit Window check box.

You can click the appropriate icon on the Edit Window toolbar to switch between these different modes. The Edit Window toolbar also lets you perform other operations on your measurement routine. For information on this toolbar, see the "Edit Window Toolbar" topic in the "Using Toolbars" chapter.

In each mode, you can work with existing commands and add new commands, although the capabilities of each mode and the methods of working with commands differ. Commands can have both editable and non-editable fields. Editable fields are fields that take a value. Some editable fields are called toggle fields and allow you to switch between a predefined set of acceptable values.

Moving to a Feature Using the Graphic Display Window

To move the cursor to a specific feature's location in the Edit window, click on that feature in the Graphic Display window while you hold down the Ctrl key. PC-DMIS displays a message for your confirmation to move the insertion point.