Using Expressions and Tracefields to Customize Edit Window Headers and Footers

You'll notice that the keywords themselves aren't customizable. For example the #DATE keyword in the logo.dat file only gives you one way to display the date, in the mm-dd-yyyy format. For example, in this format, May 5, 2018 is written as 5-5-2018 in your Edit window's header or footer.

For more information on the elogo.dat, logo.dat, and header.dat files, and where to find them, see the "Understanding Data Files" topic in this chapter.

The following example shows how you can use expressions and tracefields to change the format of your date on the Edit window.

  1. Type the following commands somewhere into your measurement routine:


This gives V1 the string value of your current date (for example, "May 05, 2018").


This assigns V1 to the TRACEFIELD.

  1. Assuming this is the first tracefield in your measurement routine, open up your logo.dat file inside a text editor and modify the DATE= field so that it looks like this:


Notice that DATE field now references the first tracefield by using #TR1.

  1. Save and close your logo.dat file.

  2. Access the Edit window. Assuming your Edit window is enabled to show headers and footers, the header now uses the formatted system date that was stored in the V1 variable and subsequently in the first tracefield.

You can use tracefields and expressions to give you greater control over what you see in the Edit window.

For information on tracefields, see the "Using Tracefields" topic in the "Tracking Statistical Data" chapter.

For information on expressions, see the "Using Expressions and Variables" chapter.

For information on how to modify your report's headers or footers with .DAT files, see "Using .DAT Files in Generated Reports".

For information on how to use templates and rules to modify your report, see "Modifying the Report's Header".