Using the Peek Window

The Peek window displays a command's information when you hover over the command in the Edit window. This feature enables you to quickly identify a command's properties and become accustomed to the command's language.

The Peek window automatically updates with the properties of the command that you point to. You do not need to click on the command to update the information in the Peek window.

Hits do not appear for features in the Peek window. For a group, only the first line of the commands in that particular group appears in the Peek window.

To use the Peek window, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Edit window. For help, see "Using the Edit Window: Introduction".

  2. Place the Edit window in Summary mode. For help, see "Working in Summary Mode".

  3. To enable the Peek window, mark the Show Peek Window check box on the General tab in the Setup Options dialog box. (The Peek window is enabled by default.) For help, see "Show Peek Window".

In Summary mode, you can also select the Peek Window icon () from the Settings icon () in the Edit window to enable the Peek window.

  1. To use the Peek window, position your mouse pointer over a command. The Peek window aligns to the center of the command.

If you move the mouse pointer, the Peek window becomes transparent with no text in it. The transparent Peek window enables you to see the application through it. The transparent window follows the mouse up and down the commands in the Edit window until you stop and hover over a command. At this point, the Peek window becomes active again and displays the command's information.

  1. Execute your measurement routine.

In Summary mode, PC-DMIS displays an icon that indicates the execution status. For more information, see "Marking and Unmarking Commands in Summary Mode".

  1. To close the Peek window, do one of the following:

Example of an active Peek window