Using the Probe Readouts Window

The View | Other Windows | Probe Readouts menu option displays a readout of the current CMM position and other useful information.

Sample Probe Readouts Window


Probe Readouts window



  1. Feature ID (CIR1) and Feature type (CIRCLE)

  2. Current XYZ probe position

  3. Form error

  4. XYZ position of the last hit

  5. Total deviation value

  6. Distance to next location shown in out-of-tolerance dimension colors

  7. Error of last measured feature

  8. Rotary table angle

  9. Screen counters that show the mouse location by using the CAD model's coordinate system

  10. Screen counters that show the mouse location by using the current part coordinate system

  11. Number of hits taken

    AB axis angles appear below the number of hits taken if you have an active wrist probe (such as a PHS or the CW43 light).

  12. Probe Readouts comments. This comes from the Probe Readouts comment type. See the "Inserting Programmer Comments" in the "Inserting Report Commands" chapter.


The Probe Readouts window changes depending on the options that you selected from the Probe Readouts Setup dialog box (see "Setting Up the Probe Readouts Window" in the "Setting your Preferences" chapter).

To access the Probe Readouts Setup dialog box, right-click in the Probe Readouts window and click Setup.

Sizing the Probe Readouts Window

You can alter the size of this window in two ways. If the window is docked, first float the readouts window (see below):

To close the Probe Readouts window, click on the X button in the upper right-hand corner.

Each time you change the location or size of the Probe Readouts window, PC-DMIS updates the proper entry. The next time you select the option, the window displays precisely as it did in the previous viewing.

On machines with an external DRO, this option is not available.

Docking or Floating the Probe Readouts Window

You can dock the Probe Readouts window to the sides of the screen or against other windows by right-clicking on the title bar. From the Probe Readouts menu (shown above), select the Docking option. To make the window float on top of other windows again, choose the Floating option from the same menu. You may need to drag the window on top of the Graphic Display window if the title bar is not visible.

You can also hold down the Ctrl key while you drag the window to prevent it from docking.

For details on docking and undocking user interface elements, see "Docking and Undocking User Interface Elements".

Multiple Arm Mode and the Probe Readouts Window

If you have more than one arm measuring your part, PC-DMIS displays the probe readout information for each additional arm in a new column.

Example of the Probe Readouts window showing multiple arms in two columns

You can right-click on this window to display a shortcut menu that you can use to show or hide information about a particular probe.

If a check mark appears next to a menu item, its information appears in the Probe Readouts window.