Active Arms Toolbar

Active Arms toolbar

The Active Arms toolbar (Operation | Enter Multiple Arm Mode) is used to manipulate multiple arms.

Arm1 Active - This corresponds to the primary arm. When selected, Arm1 is considered active.

Arm2 Active - This corresponds to the secondary arm. Only one arm can be active at a time. When selected, Arm2 is considered active.

Execute on Arm1 - This executes the measurement routine on Arm1.

Execute on Arm2 - This executes the measurement routine on Arm2.

Move to Arm1 Start Point - This moves the cursor in the Edit window to the top of the Arm1 measurement routine starting point.

Move to Arm2 Start Point - This moves the cursor in the Edit window to the top of the Arm2 measurement routine starting point.

Execute from Start Point - This starts measurement routine execution for both arms at the currently defined start point. You can also execute commands tied to a specific arm by clicking the colored check mark icon that corresponds to the active arm.

The Active Arms toolbar is available if the Multiple Arm mode add-on package has been purchased for your system.

See the "Using Multiple Arm Mode" chapter for more information on setting up and using multiple arm CMMs. Also, see the "Assigning a Command to an Arm" topic from that chapter for additional information on using this toolbar.