Constructed Features Toolbar

Constructed Features toolbar

From the Constructed Features toolbar (View | Toolbars | Constructed Features), you can use icons to quickly access the feature construction options available from the Insert | Feature | Constructed submenu.

Point - Constructs a point from inputs. For more information, see Point.

Line - Constructs a line from inputs. For more information, see Line.

Plane - Constructs a plane from inputs. For more information, see Plane.

Circle - Constructs a circle from inputs. For more information, see Circle.

Ellipse - Constructs an ellipse from inputs. For more information, see Ellipse.

Round Slot - Constructs a round slot from inputs. For more information, see Round Slot.

Square Slot - Constructs a square slot from inputs. For more information, see Square Slot.

Width - Constructs a width from inputs. For more information, see Width.

Curve - Constructs a curve from inputs. For more information, see Curve.

Cylinder - Constructs a cylinder from inputs. For more information, see Cylinder.

Cone - Constructs a cone from inputs. For more information, see Cone.

Sphere - Constructs a sphere from inputs. For more information, see Sphere.

Surface - Constructs a surface from inputs. For more information, see Surface.

Feature Set - Constructs a feature set from inputs. For more information, see Feature Set.

Filter - Constructs a filter set from a scan, certain constructed features, or another filter set. For more information, see Filter Set.

Adjusted Filter - Constructs an adjusted filter from adjusted scan data that was gathered while scanning around sphere, cone, or cylinder features. For more information, see Adjusted Filter.

Generic - Constructs a generic feature based on inputs but modified with expressions. For more information, see Generic.

For information on these items, see the "Constructing New Features from Existing Features" chapter and the "Creating Generic Features" chapter.

For information on inserting Read Points, view the documentation available in the "Creating Generic Features" chapter.