Probe File Name

(This item pertains to the Probe Utilities dialog box, accessible through Insert | Hardware Definition | Probe.)

The Probe file list displays the probe file loaded for your current measurement routine. To load a different probe file, click the drop-down arrow to display all the probe files saved. The probes are listed in alphabetic order, making it easy to locate a specific probe.

Probe files are stored in the directory where PC-DMIS was installed. The default directory is the file name and directory in which you installed PC-DMIS (usually "PCDMISW" on the local "C:\" drive). When PC-DMIS searches for a probe file to load, it searches in this directory unless you've changed the search path. For information, see "Specifying Search Paths" in the "Setting your Preferences" chapter.

To create a new probe file:

  1. Highlight the current name in the Probe file drop-down list.

  2. Type in a new name.

If a probe file has already been saved under the keyed-in name, PC-DMIS loads the previously saved file into the current measurement routine.