Use Partial Calibration check box

(This item pertains to the Probe Utilities dialog box, accessible through Insert | Hardware Definition | Probe.)

When using the Renishaw scan-based method to calibrate a Renishaw analog probe (such as the SP25, SP600, or SP80), the first time it's calibrated using the Scan method you must perform the full calibration that runs the entire series of scans. After this full calibration, you can choose a more simplified calibration.

To perform the simplified calibration, follow this procedure:

  1. Select Insert | Hardware Definition | Probe to display the Probe Utilities dialog box.

  2. Load a Renishaw analog probe from the Probe File list.

  3. Select the Use Partial Calibration check box. This remains disabled for probes that do not apply.

  4. Select one or more already calibrated probe tips from Active Tips List.

  5. Click the Measure button. The Measure dialog box appears.

  6. Make changes as needed on the Measure dialog box. If you define any named parameter sets, PC-DMIS stores the state of the Use Partial Calibration check box in the set for future use.

  7. Click Measure. Follow any on-screen prompts. PC-DMIS performs the simplified calibration.

The ProbeUsePartialCalibration entry in the ProbeCal section in the PC-DMIS Settings Editor stores the default for whether or not this check box is selected when you define a new probe file.