Inserting a Move Increment Command

The difference between the Move Point and Move Increment commands is that the Move Point command moves the probe to a specific location in your volume. The Move Increment command moves your probe from its current position to a specified amount in the X, Y, and Z directions. You must be very careful with the Move Increment command since it could cause a crash if you do not account for obstacles when you define this command.

For example, suppose there's a feature on your part that you need to avoid crashing into and you perform two incremental moves of X=0, Y=0, Z=50 and X=100, Y=0, Z=0. This defines probe movements of 50 units in the Z direction and 100 units in the X direction. If you get a false trigger halfway through the second move increment command and you click Continue, your probe, which has already moved 50 units, will proceed to make the same 100 unit move from where the false trigger occurred. The net result is that your probe will move a total of 150 units and may end up crashing into another feature.

The Insert | Move | Move Increment menu option displays the Move Increment dialog box. You can use this dialog box to define the move increment command before you insert the command into your measurement routine.

XYZ Move boxes OK button Cancel button Store Move check box OK to Move check box

Move Increment dialog box

When you click OK, PC-DMIS inserts the Move Increment command.

The Edit window command line for a Move Increment would read: MOVE/INCREMENT, x, y, z

When PC-DMIS encounters this command, it moves the probe the indicated XYZ distance (not an XYZ location as in a MOVE/POINT command). You must select the Store Move check box for this command to appear in the Edit window.

For descriptions of the Move area and the Store Move and Ok to Move check boxes, see the same topics under the Move Point dialog box above.