Jumping to a Label Using GOTO

You can tell your measurement routine to jump to a specific label by creating a GOTO command.

To create a GOTO command, do one of the following:

Type the Command

  1. Position the cursor on a blank line in the Edit window.

  2. Type GOTO and then press the Tab key.

  3. Type the label name to jump to.


Choose the Command

  1. Position the cursor in the Edit window.

  2. From the menu bar, select Insert | Flow Control Command | Goto to access the GoTo dialog box.

OK button Cancel button

GoTo dialog box

  1. If labels already exist in the measurement routine, they appear in the Current labels box.

  2. From Current labels, select the desired label, or in the GoTo Label box, type a label name directly.

  3. Click OK to insert the GOTO command in the next possible location in the Edit window.

The GOTO command in the Edit window's Command mode reads:

Where label_ID represents the name of the specified label. The label name cannot have spaces and must not exceed 230 characters.

If the label has not yet been created, the label name appears highlighted in red in the Edit window's Command mode and that GOTO command is ignored during execution.