
(This item applies to the Comment dialog box, accessible through Insert | Report Command | Comment.)

The Report option sends text to the inspection report.

To use the Report option:

  1. Place the cursor in the Edit window where you want to insert the comment command.

  2. Select the Insert | Report Command | Comment menu option to open the Comment dialog box.

  3. From the Comment dialog box, select the Report option.

  4. In the Comment Text box, type the comment text.

  5. Click the OK button to close the dialog box and insert the comment.

When PC-DMIS executes the measurement routine, these messages are not viewed. PC-DMIS does, however, send these comments to the inspection report when it is printed.

The Edit window command line for this option reads:
comment text

If dashes (or other characters) need to be incorporated underneath text in the inspection report, use a second comment line to create the additional line of characters.

For example:


       Inspection Report Comment



This set of command lines creates an Inspection Report Comment line in the inspection report.

After you insert a PC-DMIS comment, to type additional PC-DMIS commands in Command Mode, you must first press Enter twice after the COMMENT command. This tells PC-DMIS that you no longer want to add text to the comment but are ready to add a new command.