Working with Viewsets

You can create and save different Graphic Display window views (termed "viewsets") that you can later recall by using a command that gets inserted into your measurement routine. Viewsets store the CAD model's orientation, ID label visibility and position, and shading. The Create Viewset menu option allows you to create an unlimited number of viewsets in your measurement routine. You can recall multiple viewsets as often as desired.

To Create a Viewset:

  1. Set up the view as desired. Select Edit | Graphic Display Window | View Setup and use the View Setup dialog box to modify the zoom and rotation of the part in the Graphic Display window. For information on how to do this, see "Setting Up the Screen View" in "Editing the CAD Display".

  2. Select Insert | Report Command | Create Viewset, or from the Graphic Modes toolbar, choose Create Views ().  A small Viewset dialog box opens with the prompt "Type view name to save." This dialog box contains a default name starting with VIEWSET1 and then it increments the number for subsequent viewsets (VIEWSET2, VIEWSET3, and so on):

Viewset dialog box with a default name

  1. In the box, type in the desired name (19-character limit) for the view.

  2. Click the OK button or press Enter. PC-DMIS sets the current viewset equal to the name you chose by inserting a <NAME>=VIEWSET command, where <NAME> is the defined viewset name.

To Recall a Viewset:

To recall the created viewset, do one of the following:

Select the viewset that you want to recall. This option inserts a RECALL/VIEWSET,<NAME> command into the Edit window.

When your cursor is on or under the RECALL/VIEWSET,<NAME> command in the Edit window, PC-DMIS displays the created viewset in the Graphic Display window. If you mark and execute this command, PC-DMIS displays the saved view in the Graphic Display window during measurement routine execution as well.

Additionally, recalled viewsets appear in your final report if the Report Window uses a template or custom report that displays a CADReportObject. Viewsets in reports appear on a new page for each RECALL/VIEWSET command.

To Update a Viewset:

You can also quickly modify an existing viewset. From the Edit window, select the RECALL/VIEWSET,<NAME>, modify the Graphic Display window as desired for that view, and then select the Insert | Report Command | Save Viewset menu option. Or from the Graphic Modes toolbar, select the Save Viewset icon ().

If you just want to change and then save the current viewset without creating a new viewset, select the Save Viewset menu option instead.