Writing a Block of Text to a File

The Insert | File I/O Command | Writing Commands | Write Block menu option inserts a command into the Edit window that causes a block of text to be output to a file on your computer upon execution. Use expression syntax to output the variables and measurement routine information to file. Unlike the write line command, write block does not append a carriage return at the end.

The syntax of this command in the Edit window is:


Descriptions for some of the components of this command are:

This is the name of the file reference specified when the file was opened.

This is the text to be written to file. Expressions can be used in this field.

Unlike the write line command, write block does not append a carriage return at the end. However, if you need to place text on a new line inside your text block, you can insert a carriage return and line feed manually by using the CHR(10) code outside of your quoted string, as shown here in this example:

FILE/WRITEBLOCK,FPTR, "CHR(10) inserts text... " + CHR(10) + " ...on a new line."

This would yield this result inside your output file:

CHR(10) inserts text...

...on a new line.

Notice that if CHR(10) is inside the quotation marks the actual text of CHR(10) gets sent to the file.


To access the dialog box associated with this File I / O command:

  1. Open the Edit window.

  2. Place your cursor on the Write Block command.

  3. Press F9.


Sample Code for Write Block