Operators for Expressions

The following basic operators are available inside PC-DMIS:

+  Addition:  <Expression> + <Expression>    
Adds the two expressions together. In the case of strings, strings are concatenated.

-  Subtraction:  <Expression> - <Expression>   
Subtracts the second expression from the first expression.

*  Multiplication: <Expression> * <Expression>   
Multiplies the two expressions.

/  Division:  <Expression> / <Expression>   
Divides first expression by the second expression.

^  Exponentiation:  <Expression> ^ <Expression>  
Raises the first expression to the power of the second expression.

%  Modulo:  <Expression> % <Expression>  
Returns the remainder of one expression divided by the other.

-    Additive Inverse  -<Expression>  
Returns the additive inverse of the expression.

!   Logical Not:  !<Expression>  
Returns the logical not of  the expression.

==  Equal To:  <Expression> == <Expression>  
Evaluates to 1 if expressions are equal. Otherwise, it evaluates to 0. ( Two equal signs are used to distinguish from the assignment operator = in the assignment statement).

<>  Not Equal To:  <Expression> <> <Expression>  
Evaluates to 1 if expression are not equal. Otherwise, it evaluates to 0.

>   Greater Than:  <Expression> > <Expression>
Evaluates to 1 if first expression is greater than second expression. Otherwise, it evaluates to 0.

>=  Greater Than or Equal To:  <Expression> >= <Expression>  
Evaluates to 1 if the first expression is greater than or equal to the second expression. Otherwise, it evaluates to 0.

<   Less Than:  <Expression> < <Expression>
Evaluates to 1 if first expression is less than the second expression. Otherwise, it evaluates to 0.

<=   Less Than or Equal To:  <Expression> <= <Expression>   
Evaluates to 1 if the first expression is less than or equal to the second expression. Otherwise, it evaluates to 0.

AND   Logical And:  <Expression> AND <Expression>  
Evaluates to 1 if both expressions does not evaluate to 0. Otherwise, it evaluates to 0.

OR   Logical Or:  <Expression> OR <Expression>  Evaluates to 1 if either expressions does not evaluate to 0. Otherwise, it evaluates to 0.

()  Parenthesis:  ( <Expression> )   
Gives evaluation to precedence to expression inside of parenthesis.