
Variables can be of any of the seven operand types: integer, real, string, point, feature pointer, array, and function. Variables come into existence and receive their values and types via the ASSIGN statement.

The variable ID can be any alphanumeric string that does not begin with a numeric character. You can use underscores in the variable id as long as the underscore is not the first character.

As long as the measurement routine remains open, PC-DMIS saves variable values between execution runs. This means when execution finishes, PC-DMIS uses the values as the end of the routine when you restart the routine. You may or may not want this behavior. If you want fresh variable values, it's good practice to clear out your values with assigns statements at the beginning of your routine. For example, if you use a V1 variable value in some number calculations, you can use ASSIGN/V1=0 to clear out that variable.

If the Edit window is active, PC-DMIS indicates the current value of the variable whenever the cursor is placed in the field. During execution, variable values change based on execution flow. Position the mouse pointer over the desired variable to find out its current value.

Variable V1 is a real number with the value of 4.2

Variable VAR1 is a real number with a value equal to the measured value of CIRCLE1.X at the time of assignment.

Variable MYVAR is a point with the same value of the measured centroid of LINE1 at the time of assignment.

ASSIGN/SVAR="Hello World"
Variable SVAR is a string with the value "Hello World"

In these examples, variables are assigned values. Once a variable is assigned a value, you can use the variable as an operand in any expression field.

Here, V1 is used in a numeric field. It is used as the prehit value of the prehit command:


Because expressions can be used in most fields that you can modify, the following expression is also legal and has the same effect:
PREHIT / 1/3.

The components of variables of type point can be referred to individually using the dot extension notation used for references.

V1 is of type point with value of 3, 4, 5

XVAR is of type double with the value of 3

YVAR is of type double with the value of 4

IVAR is of type double with the value of 3

REDUNVAR is of type point with the value of 3, 4, 5

The following extensions are equivalent to each other. Both are provided to clarify the meaning of an expression in a measurement routine.

Given that V1 is of type point.

V1.X is the same as V1.I
V1.Y is the same as V1.J
V1.Z is the same as V1.K

V1.XYZ is the same as V1.IJK and V1 without any extension.

If a variable of type string has a string value equal to the name of the id of a feature, dimension, or alignment, you can use the variable as a reference object:


The following operands are possible and valid provided a feature with the name CIRCLE1 exists.

V1.X - The measured X value of CIRCLE1
V1.TX - The theoretical X value of CIRCLE1
V1.Diameter - The measured diameter of CIRCLE1
V1.Radius - The measured radius of CIRCLE1

This type of indirection available on string variables is only available to one level of indirection. The following will not work.


V2.X - This evaluates to 0 instead of the current measured value of CIRCLE1.X.

The reference V2.X is not flagged as an error with red text even though an expression above it sets its type to a string. The reason it cannot be flagged as an error is because the flow of execution of the measurement routine is not known until execute time.

However, if you use curly brackets the following does work:


V2.X - This gives you the value of CIRCLE1.X.

Consider the following example:


During routine execution, if the value of CIRCLE1.X is greater than the value of CIRCLE1.TX, then the expression V2.X valid and evaluates to 2. Otherwise, the expression V2.X evaluates to 0 since the value of V2 at the time of the ASSIGN for V3 is the string "V1". It is the responsibility of the part programmer to ensure that expressions do as expected in these cases.

You can use almost all of the feature references on the left-hand side of the ASSIGN statement to put a value into a measured or theoretical data member of a feature. The only exception is the single I, J, K components of vectors. To assign to vectors, you must assign the complete vector at once with an expression that evaluates to a point. Vector data is normalized as it is input into the feature’s vector data members.

ASSIGN/CIRCLE1.IJK=MPOINT(2,0,0)-legal(vector is normalized to 1,0,0)

For information on using variables within dimensions, see the "Dimensioning Variables" topic in the "Using Legacy Dimensions" chapter.