Step 3: Match the CMM Axes for Each Arm

The CMM axes for each arm must match. That is, the X+, Y+, and Z+ axes for all arms must go in the same direction.

If you need to change the axes assignments and directions:

  1. Make sure you're running PC-DMIS in Online mode.

  2. On the Arm2 computer, select Edit | Preferences | Machine Interface Setup. The Machine Options dialog box appears.

  3. Select the Axes tab. This shows the X,Y, and Z axes combination boxes.

  4. Use the X, Y, or Z list to reassign the axes of the connected CMM so that they match the axes of Arm1. Usually, only the X and Y axes will need modification.

  5. Click Apply to keep the changes.

  6. Once the dialog box closes, exit PC-DMIS.

  7. Restart PC-DMIS, and verify that the changes are correct by moving the axes for both arms in the same directions. Make sure the axis counters increment accordingly.

The numerical values in the counters will not match until you complete the multiple arm calibration.

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