Step 8: Calibrate the Multiple Arm System

This step walks you through the calibration of the multiple arm system.

Prior to calibration and after PC-DMIS has been started on the computer systems, you must define any probes that will be used in the measurement process. PC-DMIS uses the theoretical data from the probes to calibrate the multiple arm system.

Do not calibrate the probes at this time. Only ensure they are properly defined and that you add an AB angle for the tip you plan to use to calibrate the multiple arm system.

In your measurement routine, you should have multiple LOADPROBE commands, one for each arm.

If you've attempted a multiple arm calibration previously then PC-DMIS has created armtoarm.dat files. It stores these where you installed PC-DMIS on both the Arm1 and Arm2 computers. You should delete or rename these files before proceeding so that data from previous calibration attempts doesn't negatively affect your current calibration process.

Follow these calibration procedures:

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