To add an icon that runs PC-DMIS in Reverse Axes mode

  1. Use Windows Explorer and navigate to the directory where you want to add the icon.

  2. From Windows Explorer's File menu, select New | Shortcut. A Create Shortcut wizard appears and prompts you to enter the path to the routine.

  3. In the Command Line box, either type the complete path to the PC-DMIS executable file, or use the Browse button to navigate to and select the file. The default path is "C:\Pcdmisw\Pcdlrn.exe".

  4. Once you have the path in the Command Line box, place your cursor at the end of the path, type a space, and then type a /r or -r switch. This switch notifies PC-DMIS to run in Reverse Axes mode. You can also combine this with Operator mode by adding a –o or /o switches to the command line.

  5. Click Next.

  6. In the Select a Name for the Shortcut box, type something like "PC-DMIS Reverse Axes Mode".

  7. Click Finish. The new icon appears.