Expressions Used in Standard Templates

In the various standard report and label templates, PC-DMIS uses several reporting expressions to display different pieces of information or to format the display of information. For example, consider the code behind feature.lbl, a standard label template that ships with PC-DMIS.

In this template, there are several reporting expressions (=LOADSTR, =DIM_MEASURED, =NOMINAL and so on) that determine what information PC-DMIS should display in the cells.

Common Expressions

The following list describes the most common expressions used in the various standard templates:

Some of these functions are also discussed in the "Functions and Operators" topic.

0 - Report no graphic control.

1 - Report the linear graphic control.

2 - Report the radial graphic control.

Combined Expressions

You can also combine expressions or use them together with other expressions, as shown in this code string taken from the Legacy_Dimension_Cad.lbl label template:


This uses the =TOL function to display the dimension's deviation value and give it the Error color (usually red).

You can find another example in the standard report templates in PC-DMIS versions 4.2 and higher. The Text object at the bottom of those templates uses this combined expression in the Text property to display the current page number along with the total number of pages:

=page() + " Of " + pages()

Page six of a 10-page report would read as follows at the bottom of the page in the Report window:

6 Of 10