This topic and its subtopics discuss interface-specific information and options that have to do with the Machine Options dialog box (Edit | Preferences | Machine Interface Setup).

Machine Options - Mora Interface

The Mora interface is used with Mora CNC machines. This interface just requires a single RS-232 communications port; no machine parameter file is needed from the original system.

Before you start PC-DMIS, rename mora.dll to interfac.dll.

The Machine Options dialog box (Edit | Preferences | Machine Interface Setup) has these tabs for this interface:

Comm tab

See the "Setting the Communication Protocol" topic. Default value is communications port 1, 9600 Baud, No parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit.

Axis tab

See the "Assigning the Machine Axes" topic.

Debug tab

See the "Generating a Debug File" topic.

You can find additional information for this interface in the main "Mora Interface" topic.